You MUST submit the Jersey Order info before you pay. Otherwise, I receive $90 and have no idea what to have printed on your jersey!  :)


I recognize that this is a clunky way to order the jersey, but I am not usually set up for commerce anywhere, so this seemed like the easiest way to get an order form out there along with a way to pay!

The jersey price is $85 and I am charging $5 to ship. If somehow there is anything left over, I will donate that balance to the women's hockey team. This is not a profit business. This is just getting shirts into the hands of the alumnae as a service.

Thanks All!


You MUST submit the Jersey Order info before you pay. Otherwise, I receive $90 and have no idea what to have printed on your jersey!  :)

Our goal is to get every Cornell Women's Hockey Alumna wearing her collectable alumna jersey to the women's games! Make our presence be known! Order yours today!!!

The Jersey includes your name, your number on the back and on the sleeves, your grad year, and if you were a captain...Your C or your A! Only Alumnae can get these jerseys!

Just Complete Step 1 and Step 2!

Go Big Red! Go Big Red! Go Big Red!


Order Your Cornell Women's Hockey Alumnae Jersey

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