This week's featured Member List:

Michael W. - Seattle, Washington

Climb Mt Ranier

Learn to speak Spanish

Make a list of 100 great books

Read 50 books this year

Run a 10K

Run a 1/2 Marathon

Run the Seattle Marathon 

Write a novel

Sail alone to Alaska

Sail alone to Mexico

Sail alone to Hawaii

Sail alone around the world

Become secure enough to give back half my income annually

Learn to Kite Surf

Hike the Appalachian Trail

Start a camp for poor children to learn outdoor survival skills

Get a patent for something I developed

Learn to play piano

Teach math to high school students

Hike to Base Camp at Everest

Clean a beach

Try to be Vegan for a year

Get my tomato plant to produce fruit

Tell US What's on YOUR Bucket List

We are working on our Member Page so that we can publish our followers Bucket-List-Ideas. Please submit your first name and your email address along with your Bucket List Ideas and Images. By submitting your great bucket list ideas via this form you are agreeing that has the rights and permission to publish your contribution on the website and affiliated website properties owned and managed by Manitou Rey. We can only publish lists provided by our members.

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